Sunday, 4 August 2013

Week 2 - 123D Catch -> Sketchup -> Laser Cut

Documentation Log:


  1. Take pictures
    •  Test difference between Static Camera condition and Static Model condition to determine whether rotating the model or moving the camera affects result.
    • Ideally, model is revolved so I don't have to lean down/fear of interference from background.
  2. 123D Catch
  3. Sketchup
  4. Slicer Plugin (Sketchup) - (Unfold Plugin not used due to complexity of geometry. This model has over 40,000 faces!)
  5. Laser Cut (Set up in Illustrator)

1. Take Pictures - Test 1 (Static Camera)
Didn't work out well. Camera placement was very confused and resulted in a wtf model.
Note the errors in photo stitching on the bottom.

1. Take Pictures - Test 2 (Static Model)

2. 123D Catch
All good! Working as it should be!

3. Sketchup
4. Slicer Plugin

Error received! Googling fruitless with answers. 
Tested with other prisms (eg: push/pulled a rectangle) and still worked meaning it was a problem with my imported model as opposed to the program.

4. Slicer Plugin
Model is currently being simplified due to excess geometry to narrow down what may be the problem

4. Slicer Plugin
Still no positive result.
Educated guess: due to the complex geometry of the blue foam model, 123D Catch was not able to make a watertight model thus in this situation, Sketchup is not able to treat it as a volume.

...ah well, here's a file to lasercut tomorrow nevertheless:


  • 123D Catch is quite aweso...ORSM. There is no fear of interference from the background. The program seems smart enough to figure out what it is focussing on.
  • 123D Catch has a disadvantage in only being able to approximate (understandable) and thus, cannot make a watertight model straight off. May require post-processing in something like MeshLab.
  • 123D Catch Workflow:
    1. Take Pictures
    2. Save Pictures on Local HDD
    3. Select Pictures to 123D Create Program
    4. Upload Pictures to 123D Create Servers (we assume it's faster to send a bunch of pictures to a server hosted by Autodesk where all the supermegabunkerbusting calculations are done which are then spat back client side)
    5. Receive Model from 123D Create Servers
  • When prompted to either "Wait" or "Email me" the .3dp file (the file 123D Catch creates), best to choose "Email me" so you know for sure you've a copy. Works in much the same way as downloading any other file from the internet (eg: "view" vs "save as")
  • Not much difference seen between taking 20 pictures (Static Model) and 60 pictures spread over 2 loops (Static Camera). In fact, 123D Catch only requests for a minimum of 3 pictures.
  • Must use discretion when it comes to unfold/slicer. Depends on model geometry!

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